Weights of most of my backpacking gear to bring on the hike:

basic backpacking stuff:

    pack                   80 oz     (5 lb)
    tent                   55 oz     (3 lb 8 oz)
    ground cloth           11.5 oz 
    sleeping bag           48 oz     (3 lb)
    thermarest             25 oz
                          219.5 oz  (13 lb 11 oz)

     2 pairs of hiking socks    8   oz
     4 pairs of underwear       8   oz
     long underwear             2   oz
     2 t-shirts                17   oz
     jeans                     30   oz
     swim trunks                5.5 oz
     NBCI Fleece               17   oz
     poncho                     9   oz
     insect net for head        2   oz
     aqua-shoes for in-camp    14.5 oz
   * gloves
     spare sunglasses           0.75 oz
       (wrap in gloves &
        store in aquashoes)
     shell pants                6.5  oz
     shell jacket               6.5  oz
   * jacket
                              126.75 oz (7 lb 14.75 oz)
cooking & food accessories:

     stove (top portion)          8   oz
     full can of Gaz             22.5 oz
               [partial can of Gaz          19   oz]
               [Big pot (leave behind)      13   oz]
     cooking kit                 13.5 oz
     (small pot/pan w handle,
      1 bowl, 3 cups, matches,
      scrub pad)
     sierra cup                   3.5  oz
     fork & spoon                  .75 oz
     wheel of spice               5.5  oz
     2 water bottles (EMPTY)      4.5  oz  
     1 bottle for front of pack   1    oz
       (with bag)
     water filter                12.5  oz
     bear cannister              39    oz
                                110.75 oz (6 lb 14.75 oz)


     10 packs of cocoa            7    oz
     10 tea bags                  1.5  oz
     3 oatmeal, 3 cream of wheat  8.5  oz
     5 power bars                17.5  oz
     beef jerky                   4    oz
     fruit rollups                3    oz
     4 granola bars               5    oz
     2 packs gatorade             4.5  oz
     1 pack koolade               5    oz
     small baggee gatorade        3    oz 
     3 bags of trail mix         27    oz
     licorice & red vines         5    oz
   * Saturday night's dinner
   * (Chicken & Rice)
                                 91    oz   (5 lb 11 oz)

first aid:

     first aid kit               13.5  oz
     salon pas                    1    oz
     sun & bug stuff              5    oz
     sunblock                     4    oz
     lip balm                      .25 oz
     sting-eze                    1 oz
                                 24.75 oz  (1 lb 8.75 oz)


     map                          0.5 oz
     camera                      29.5 oz
     (w/bag, batteries, memory)
   * disposable panoramic camera
     pillow                       6.5 oz
     towel                        3   oz
     head light                   5   oz
     mag light                    4   oz
     toilet paper                 2   oz
     trowel                       2   oz
     tent repair kit              2.5 oz
     pocket knife                 3   oz
     emergency blanket            2   oz
     whistle                       .5 oz
     mirror                        .25 oz
     comb                          .1 oz
     Toy Story Aliens             1   oz
   * 100 ft. 350 lb nylon cord  
   * duct tape
   * safety pins
   * compass
   * dental floss
   * extra zip loc baggies
   * paper & pencil
   * a big trash bag
                                 61.85 oz  (3 lb 13.85 oz)

grand total: 634.6 oz (i.e. 39 lb, 10.6 oz)
add in 4 lb of water & max weight is 43 1/2 lb
assuming all food & water gone by end of trip, final wt is about 34 lb

* find these items and weigh them.