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Upper Deck Disneyland Preview Series Cards

These are some preview cards that Upper Deck released in 1991. I've trimmed the white space around the edges to reduce the image size slightly.

Front of card #1: Splash Mountain (47 KB)

Back of card #1 (53 KB)

Front of card #2: Matterhorn (52 KB)

Back of card #2 (32 KB)

Front of card #3: Big Thunder Mountain (52 KB)

Back of card #3 (48 KB)

Front of card #4: Mickey Planter (48 KB)

Back of card #4 (32 KB)

Front of card #5: Sleeping Beauty Castle (53 KB)

Back of card #5 (65 KB)

As with the Disney Collector Series Cards, Upper Deck &/or Disney holds copyrights on these images, so I don't claim them. I do however claim copyrights on their use within this page (since it is a derivative form of a sort). If you wish to reuse the images contained in this page, send a request to me.

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